General Surgery Revision


See if you can answer all of these questions.
Flashcards by lhinchliffe1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lhinchliffe1 about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What Did Robert Koch invent? The Steam Steriliser
When was ether first used? 1846
What was novocaine an improved version of? Cocaine
What did Lister discover about his wards, that led to him publishing his ideas? His wards had been free of infection for nine months
Who discovered chloroform? James Simpson
What did John Snow invent, that ensured right dosages were used? Chloroform Inhaler
What chemical stopped blood from clotting? Sodium Citrate
Francis Rous and who discovered that citrate glucose allowed blood to be stored longer? James Turner
What important discovery did Karl Landsteiner have, that improved the success rate of blood transfusions? Landsteiner discovered blood groups in 1901 which should only a donor with the compatible blood group could be used
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