

(history final) Flashcards on Untitled_1, created by tlhall94 on 25/04/2013.
Flashcards by tlhall94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tlhall94 about 11 years ago

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Copperheads peace democrats (more extreme). Anti-civil war northerners. the Copperheads effectively stirred dissension and weakened the Northern war effort. Clement Laird Vallandigham,
Emancipation Proclamation mostly symbolic. Pre-proclamation ready would free all the slaves in those states still in rebellion. notified the South and the world that the war was being fought not just to preserve the Union, but also to put an end to the peculiar institution. The 5 states that were exempted had remained loyal to the union. West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri
King Cotton that northern banks had caused the Panic of 1857, while southern slavery and cotton had saved the nation. To Hammond, this demonstrated the superiority of southern civilization and established, without dispute, the possibility of an independent South. used by southerners (1860–61) to support secession from the United States by arguing cotton exports would make an independent Confederacy economically prosperous
Sherman's March to the Sea invade Georgia. marched to the Atlantic coast, systematically destroying railroads, factories, warehouses and other facilities in his path. Believed in total war effort.
Gettysburg strong Union force intercepted Lee's march at Gettysburg. 3 day battle. Worst of civil war. “Picketts Charge” an attempt to penetrate the center of Union forces on Cemetery Ridge. Gettysburg was the last attempt made by Lee to move fighting into Northern States. Confederates lost.
Vicksburg It would also split the South in two, sever a vital Confederate supply line, achieve a major Union objective, and effectively seal the doom of Richmond. Grant attempted to take Vicksburg. Vicksburg cut off from supplies. The union victory at Vicksburg allowed them to regain control of the Mississippi River. The North and South were now geographically divided and the north regained hope.
Antietam in the bloodiest single day of the war: more than 4,000 died on both sides and 18,000 were. Lee vs. McClellan. McClellan failed to break Lee's lines or press the attack, and Lee was able to retreat across the Potomac. Lee wanted to keep the pace of victory. Maryland would provide his soldiers with food and new supplies. Lastly, Lee invaded Maryland because he hoped that this state would join the Southerners. battle of Antietam is that both sides lost thousands of Americans. The south never received aide from Europe. This battle allowed Lincoln to abolish slavery. The fate of the confederacy was over.
Fort Sumter Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor. The fort was a symbol of federal authority--conspicuous in the state that had led secession, South Carolina--and it would soon have had to be evacuated for lack of supplies. On April 12, 1861, South Carolina fired on the fort, and the Civil War
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