detergents and dry cleaning


Flashcards on detergents and dry cleaning, created by Nora Okeke on 18/06/2016.
Nora Okeke
Flashcards by Nora Okeke, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
abbie Fitzpatrick
Created by abbie Fitzpatrick about 10 years ago
Nora Okeke
Copied by Nora Okeke over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
name 2 detergents washing up liquid washing powder
name the ingredients in washing powder bleach active detergent optical brightener enzymes water softener
what does bleach do? remove stains
what does active detergent do? cleans
what does water softener do? softeners hard water
what does optical brightener do? gives a white appearance to clothes
what do the enzymes in washing powder do? makes sure all stains are removed at low temperatures
name the ingredients in washing up liquid active detergent water rinse agent colouring agent and fragrence
what does the water in washing up liquid do? thins and make liquid easy to disperse
what does the rinse agent do? allows water to be drained off easily
what do biological detergents contain? enzymes
what do the enzymes in the biological detergents do? break down large insoluble molecules into smaller soluble molecules
when do most enzymes work best and why? at low temperatures because most will denature at high temperatures.
what is an advantage to washing at lower temperatures? it saves money and allows more delicate clothes to be washed
how does soap clean? by acting as an emulsifier
what does soap allow to happen? it allows water and oil to mix so oily grime can be removed
what do detergents consist of? a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail
what is a detergent molecule attracted to? the hydrophilic head is attracted to water molecules and the hydrophobic tail is attracted to the greasy dirt and so it sticks to it.
how is dirt removed? the intermolecular force of the water and hydrophilic head is much greater than the force between the tail and dirt so the tail pulls dirt off the clothes. the detergent molecules then surround the dirt so it keeps it suspended in the water and stops it going back onto the clothes.
Why aren't all stains removed in a washing machine? Some stains may not be soluble in water or detergent.
What is the key thing to remember about solvents? Different solvents will dissolve different substances.
what do dry cleaners use? they use organic solvents
where do organic solvents come from? organic solvents come from the cracking of crude oil.
what type of fabrics use organic solvents to clean them? delicate fabrics that cannot withstand the rough and tumble of a washing machine or dryer.
what does dry cleaning eliminate? hand washing
describe the forces of attraction in grease molecules grease molecules have very weak intermolecular forces
describe the forces in organic solvents the intermolecular forces in organic compounds are weak
describe how organic solvents are used to remove a grease stain from a top. intermolecular forces are weak between grease molecules, and the same in the solvent. the solvent forms intermolecular bonds with grease molecules and so solvent molecules are able to surround the molecules of grease and release them from the fabric.
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