Proper uses of tools, eqiupments and supplies for hard floor cleaning


Proper uses of tools, eqiupments and supplies for hard floor cleaning
sim lee see
Flashcards by sim lee see, updated more than 1 year ago
sim lee see
Created by sim lee see over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
* To warn the public that cleaning is in progress Safety signage
* To contain the bottled chemical and tongs, trash bag..... bring in to the workplace that are not easily access by the trolley Caddy
* To pick up debris & avoid direct contact with waste/ body emission during the cleaning process Plastic tongs
* To remove stubborn stains, stickers & impacted soil without damaging to the affected area Plastic scrapper
* To remove stubborn stains Non abrasive pad/ sponge
* Secondary containers to contain chemical Spray bottles
* To remove debris Broom & dustpan
* To remove dust Dust control mop
* To remove accumulated dust on dust control mop / touch up work area Hand brush & dustpan
* To mop the floor Mop
* To wring the mop dry Wringer
* To contain water to rinse the mop Red bucket
* To contain chemical-added water Blue bucket
* To contain spillage / to wipe & clean tools and material Absorbent material
* To contain waste / rubbish Trash bags
* To apply on body emission / reduces the number of bacterial to a safe level Sanitiser (Yellow - coded)
* To apply on spillage / soil other than body emission Neutral (Green - coded)
* To protect hands from contact with chemicals / hygiene purpose Hand gloves
* To contain & transport all cleaning tools, equipment, supplies & chemical required for cleaning Trolley / janitor cart
* To remove accumulated dust on the dust control mop Vacuum machine
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