Vietnam - Commitment


War and Global Conflict (Vietnam) Flashcards on Vietnam - Commitment, created by SteveT on 26/04/2013.
Flashcards by SteveT, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by SteveT almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was the increase in defence spending with NSC68? $14bil to $44bil
What happened in April 1961? Bay of Pigs
When was the Bay of Pigs? April 1961
What did the Bay of Pigs make JFK look? Weak
When was the Taylor Rostow report? November 1961
What did the Taylor Rostow report call for? Better ARVN training Helicopters Bombing of the North COIN
What caused the Buddhist revolt? South fed up with Diem
When was the Krulak/Medenhall report? September 1963
What was the outcome of the Krulak/Medenhall report? Opposite findings
When was the McNamara Taylor report? September 1963
What did the McNamara Taylor report suggest? Linking aid to reforms
When was NSAM 263? November 1963
What did NSAM 263 outline? Withdrawal of US personnel by 1965
When was Diem assassinated? 2nd November 1963
When was JFK assassinated? 22nd November 1963
How many US soldiers were in Vietnam at the time of JFKs death? 16,800?
What was the name of US's CW response concept under Kennedy? Flexible Response
When was Flexible Response introduced? 1961?
What does Flexible Response enable? The US to respond to aggression across the spectrum of conflict
Who championed the Domino Theory? Eisenhower
What % of the country did the NLF control by 1961? 85%
When was NSAM 111? Nov 1961
What did NSAM 111 outline Advisors for military Military equipment Political advisors Last chance for Vietnam to win war themselves
When was the Buddhist revolt May 1963
When were the Geneva Accords? 1954
What parallel was Vietnam split on in 1954? 17th parallel
What had South Vietnam become by 1956? A corrupt despotism
What had North Vietnam become by 1956? A totalitarian communist state
What was keeping communism in place? Containment
Who is the father of containment? George Kennan
What else contained Communism as well as Containment? Marshall Plan and NATO
Which NSC outlined containment? NSC68
When was NSC68? April 1950
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