Sequence and simultaneity


Ingles Inglés Flashcards on Sequence and simultaneity, created by Ayla Ramírez on 11/07/2016.
Ayla Ramírez
Flashcards by Ayla Ramírez, updated more than 1 year ago
Ayla Ramírez
Created by Ayla Ramírez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Before then/that Antes de ... (ese momento)
Until then Hasta entonces (ese momento)
After that Despues de eso
Formerly Anteriormente
Up to that time hasta ese momento
Afterwards Después
Subsequently sucesivamente
Since then/that time despues de eso
Prior to Previo a
Until Hasta
Since desde
At this/that time En este/ese momento
Meanwhile Mientras tanto
During this/that time Durante este/ese momento
At the same time En el mismo momento
Simultaneously Simultaneamente
As Al mismo tiempo (tema de simultaneidad)
while mientras
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