(Science) SOUND and LIGHT


In this resource l will be doing 20 questions and 20 answer flash cards on sound and light.
Asaaad Dawood
Flashcards by Asaaad Dawood, updated more than 1 year ago
Asaaad Dawood
Created by Asaaad Dawood over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sound and Light 19/07/2016
list 3 insulators three insulators are: wood,plastic and glass
Describe how heat is conducted along a metal rod. Heat energy is conducted from the hot end to the cold end. The electrons in piece of metal can leave their atoms and move about in the metal as free electrons.
Is water a good conductor of heat? Water is a poor conductor of heat, and is actually classified as an insulator of heat.
Describe how a wetsuit is made to keep the wearer warm. it is designed to insulated all the warmth into your body,and trap the coldness out.
Explain why the vents for a ducted system are usually placed near the floor and not the ceiling?
explain why hair is an effective insulator hair traps air which is a poor thermal conductor and being also in that club, the heat; stays put rather than finds a way to move out.
describe a hairstyle that give you excellent insulation. this one ofcourse
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