Windows Server 2008 Final


Certificate Ad Flashcards on Windows Server 2008 Final, created by m k on 25/07/2016.
m k
Flashcards by m k, updated more than 1 year ago
m k
Created by m k over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
To protect workstation applications and ensure their continued availability, what feature should be used to run them? Remote Desktop Services
What is the term for the ability of entire servers to be redundant so that if anything goes wrong with one computer, another one can take its place almost immediately? Failover
Which version of Windows Server 2008 must computers be running to create a failover cluster? Enterprise To create a failover cluster, cpu must be running Win Server 2008 Enterprise or Datacenter. Standard & Web editions dont support failover clustering.
What are 4 types of files that are visible in the event viewer? Admin, Operational, Analytic and Debug. Admin and operational and visible in the event viewer by default.
________ need users to store their files on a server rather than locally, only uses 10% of the source volume and creates 2 data files per day by default. Shadow Copies
What automatically redirects local folders to system volumes? File Redirection
Copied server-based folders on a workstation's local drive are possible thru. Offline Files Once the server becomes active either modified file is updated, if both have been modified the user is asked which file to keep.
The Terminal Service Role includes the ____________ role service, which enables a disconnected client to reconnect to the same terminal server. TS Session Broker
Windows Server 2008 supports a maximum of ___ Shadow Copies for each volume. 64
Network Load Balancing (NLB) primary function is more efficient use of heavy user traffic. Failover Clustering primary function is fault tolerance.
This load balancing technique allows you to create multiple resource records using the same name, with a different server IP address in each record. DNS Round Robin When clients attempt to resolve the name, the DNS server supplies them with each of the IP addresses in turn.
What do attackers use if they want to find an organization's dial-up ports? War-Dialing
What is the ratio at which executeables and other program files typically compress? 2:1
Having entire server redundancy so if anything happens to one another can take its place immediately is known as a _________ Failover Cluster
The _______ holds the cluster configuration database. Witness Disk
The Servers in a NLB Cluster continually exchange ________ to check the availability of each server. When a server does not respond after five attempts _______ is used to stop sending clients to the missing server. Heartbeats Convergence
Which type of backup job backs up only the files that have changed since the last full backup and does not reset their archive bits? Differential Faster to restore
Which type of backup job backs up only the files that have changed since the last backup job of any kind? Incremental
When files are written to a computer's hard disk for the first time, their archive bits are activated and set to a value of __________. 1
Which of the following is the most basic type of backup job and copies the entire set of selected targets to the backup medium? Full
True or False NLB Clusters must have dynamic IP addresses to function properly? False
To initiate an authoritative restore you must press _____ during the boot process. F8
The Events page in Server Manager Events displays a subset of the computer's System log containing all events related to the role for __________ hours. 24
This method is used by servers to authenticate smart cards and other types of digital certificates. EAP-TLS
_________ is most used primarily because it is far more scalable than disk mirroring and it enables you to realize more storage space from your hard disks. Parity-based RAID
Enforce Password History Default 24 Passwords
Maximum Password Age 42 days
Windows Server 2008 Certificate Template Smartcard User Uses signature and encryption keys and is identical to the Smartcard logon template except it can be used to sign and encrypt emails.
AS Authentication Servers issue ticket granting tickets to users that supply vaild credentials and last for about _____. 10 hours
A MMC executable file MMC.exe
What is the best way to control a Firewall on a Local computer using Advanced Security? Domain Based Public Private
This is the default mode for new MMC consoles. Author mode
4 MMC console modes Author Mode User Mode-Full Access User Mode-Limited Access Multi Window User Mode-Limited Access Single Window
True or False By default the Certificate Templates property sheet has the Security tab available. False
_________ do not issue certificates to end users or computers; the only service subordinate CA's below them in the certification hierarchy. Intermediate CA's
True or False You must have AD to be a Certificate Authority (CA). False
In an MMC snap-in the _________ contains a hierarchical list of snap-ins and any subheadings that the snap-in provides. Scope Pane
If a file has been compressed by ZIP how many times can it be compressed? 0 files can only be compressed once
A root CA issues its own __________ certificate. Self-signed
To capture counter stats for later review in the Performance and Reliability Monitor you must create a _______. Data collector set
What contains information about events generated by the OS components? System Log
Windows Server Backup was created to Backup volumes
What MMC console contains a collection of snap-ins that is most commonly used by Windows Server 2008 administrators? Server Manager
Which single device contains one or more magnetic tape drives as well as a robotic mechanism that inserts tapes into and removes them from the drives? Autoloader
What are the three network profiles that are supported by Windows Server 2008. Domain, Public, and Private
A maximum of __________ nodes can be added to a cluster if computers are running on the x86. 8
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