Flash Card


unit 19
Walter  Custodo Herrera
Flashcards by Walter Custodo Herrera, updated more than 1 year ago
Walter  Custodo Herrera
Created by Walter Custodo Herrera over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
bear market
Bull market
Capital intensive
Compañero de trabajo co-worker
mercancía commodity
bonificación dividend
Estimación fundamentada educated guess
fondo float
To tell other people what you think about something get the message across
to improve after a period of falling share prices. Rally
The profits that you get from an investment Returns
no wanting to take risks Risk averse
someone who owns shares in a company shareholder
a part of a business that you own. stake
the value of a Company stock
the place where stocks and shares in companies are bought and sold stock exchangue
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