C2.1 Flashcards


AQA Revision question
Mel Hughes
Flashcards by Mel Hughes, updated more than 1 year ago
Mel Hughes
Created by Mel Hughes over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How can you tell that the compound H2O has covalent bonds? It's made of non metals
Which of these compounds have ionic bonding? Kbr, Hcl, H2S, Na2O, Cl2O, MgO KBr, Na2O, MgO
Explain what happens to the atoms of the elements when lithium reacts with fluorine Lithium atoms lose an electron to form a lithium ion that has a positive charge or Li+, fluorine atoms gain an electron to form a fluorine ion that has a negative charge or F-
Why is the formula of sodium chloride NaCl but magnesium chloride is MgCl2? Sodium ions have a single positive charge -They are Na+, and magnesium ions have a double positive charge: they are Mg2+ (chloride ions have a single negative charge and are Cl-)
Write the formula for each of these compounds: calcium fluoride, sodium sulfate, magnesium nitrate, copper (II) chloride, iron(III) hydroxide CaF2, Na2SO4, Mg(NO3)2, CuCl2, Fe(OH)3
How are the atoms arranged in a metal? In a giant structure, closely packed together in layers with a regular pattern
What forces hold metal atoms in place in their giant structures? Electrostatic forces between positive (metal) ions and delocalised electrons
What is a compound? A substance made of two or more elements that have reacted together or that are chemically bonded together
Which electrons in an atom are involved in bonding? Outer electrons (electrons in the highest occupied energy level or outer shell).
What happens to the electrons in atoms when ionic bonds are formed? They are transferred or metal atoms lose electrons and non-metal atoms gain electrons
What happens to the electrons in atoms when covalent bonds are formed? They are shared. For each covalent bond one pair of electrons is shared
Why do the elements in group 1 form ions with a single positive charge? They lose their one outer electron (one electron in the highest occupied energy level or outer shell)
Why do the elements in group 7 form ions with a single negative charge? They gain one electron so their outer shell has eight electrons or so they have the structure of a noble gas
Which of the following substances are made of molecules? KCl, H2O, C2H6, MgO, CO2, NaNO3 H2O, C2H6, CO2
Why can the structure of a metallic element like copper be represented by lots of small spheres the same size packed together? The atoms in copper are all the same size, they are spherical, they are closely packed together (in a giant structure)
Write the correct formula for each of the following: lithium chloride, sodium oxide, calcium fluoride, magnesium hydroxide, sodium sulfate, calcium nitrate LiCl, Na2O, CaF2, Mg(OH)2, Na2SO4, Ca(NO3)2
Why do ionic compounds have giant structures? The attractive forces between oppositely charged ions act in all directions, so the ions pack closely together in a regular arrangement (lattice), ions are very small so a crystal contains many ions
Explain why silicon (in group 4) has a giant structure They form 4 covalent bonds each silicon atom can join to 4 others, the bonds are strong; this continues so that a giant structure is formed
Explain how the atoms in a piece of sodium metal are held together The outer electrons delocalise, leaving a lattice of positive ions; the electrostatic forces are strong, and these hold the ions in position
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