Quiz 1 - Cinema Technology, A Brief History


Terms and names of people and things that had an impact on the early life of photography.
Nicole Capelli
Flashcards by Nicole Capelli, updated more than 1 year ago
Nicole Capelli
Created by Nicole Capelli over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When and where was the first public exhibition of motion pictures to a paying audience? 1895 - Paris
Who put on the first exhibition of motion pictures to a paying audience in 1895? Auguste and Louis Lumiere
What does "Camera Obscura" mean? Dark Room or Dark Chamber
What is a Camera Obscura? A device with a pin hole that takes in light, flips the image of the real world, and projects it onto a flat surface.
When is the earliest mention of the Camera Obscura? 5th Century B.C. - Chinese Philosopher Mo-Ti
Who discovered the silver chloride darkens when exposed? Robert Boyle (1600s)
Who captured the first photographic image and when? Joesph Nicephore Niepce - 1826
How long did the first photograph take to develop? 8 hours
Who discovers a way to develop photographic plates? Daguerre
How do the new photographic plates shorten the development time? From 8 hours to a half an hour
When does the photographic process become public? 1839
How does the photographic process become public? Daguerre releases his "Daguerrotype"
How coins the term "photography"? Sir John Herschel
What does William Talbot introduce in 1839? The "Calotype" which allows a copy to be made from a single original.
What does Frederic Archer invent in 1851? The "Collodion" process, a wet process that reduces exposure to 3 minutes.
Whats does Richard Maddon develop in 1871? A dry process using plates made of gelatin, reduces exposure to seconds.
Who wrote, "The Persistence of Vision with Regard to Moving Objects"? Peter Mark Roget
What device makes it appear that a bird is in a cage when actually the images or on opposite sides of a circular chip? Thaumatrope
Who invents the Zoopraxinoscope? Eadweard Muybridge
Who thought to photograph the galloping horse? Eadweard Muybridge
Who created the first motion picture camera, and when? 1882 - E.J. Marey
Who invented flexible film stock? Hannibal Goodwin
Who formed the Kodak company? George Eastman
Who invents the shutter and claw design? William Dickson
What does William Dickson invent? Kinetoscope and Kinetograph
Who created the Magic Lantern? Kircher
Who made the first single viewing device? Edison
What is the Cinematographe? An all in one, camera, developing station, and viewing station.
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