Problems with the leauge


UNIT 1 Section 1
Flashcards by buckley_shannon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by buckley_shannon over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why was the league of nations created? It was designed to bring nations together in collective security, but it was determined by national interests and key weaknesses.
1) No USA (membership) The most powerful and richest country in the world wasn't a member.
2) Exclusion of defeated (membership) Defeated countries were not invited to join the league so saw the league as connected to the hated peace treaties
3) Sanctions These were difficult to inforce, so countries could not be made to accept the leagues decisions.
4) Dominated by Britain & France The 2 most powerful members were both reluctant to risk another war by upsetting allies or aggressive countries.
5) Organisation Every nation having a vote and all decisions having to be unanimous made it hard to get decisions made quickly.
6) Lack of real power The league did not have an army to make sure its decisions were obeyed.
Consequences~ Poland invading Lithuania Poland occupied Vilna in 1920, Poland kept Vilna because Britian and France wanted Poland as an ally against Russia.
Consequences~ The league was more even-handed at other times One example; the treatment of the Aarland Islands dispute between Finland and Sweden in 1921. The AI sought to become become part of Sweden, which Finland resisted, and so the league mediated, directing that the islands should be self-governing but should remain part of Finland.
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