Present Simple and Continuous- 2º eso-unit 1


contrast of present simple/continuous
Rosa Valdés RAPADO
Flashcards by Rosa Valdés RAPADO , updated more than 1 year ago
Rosa Valdés RAPADO
Created by Rosa Valdés RAPADO over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Introduce tu texto aquí... She is a singer. She usually sings.
Introduce tu texto aquí... She is acting in a film.
Introduce tu texto aquí... She usually acts in films.
Introduce tu texto aquí... She is helping people in Africa.
Introduce tu texto aquí... He rules Spain.
Introduce tu texto aquí... He is running.
Introduce tu texto aquí... He plays basketball.
Introduce tu texto aquí... He is dancing and singing.
He plays football.
He is listening to music.
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