Music Questions


Try these out to test your musical knowledge on key terms!
Marcus Lam
Flashcards by Marcus Lam, updated more than 1 year ago
Marcus Lam
Created by Marcus Lam over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is "Hemiola"? Changing the grouping of notes to create the effect of a changed time signature
What is "Syncopation"? Playing a rhythm that is off-beat
What is a rhythm that is played on the beat? A Straight Rhythm
What is "Diminution"? A rhythm that consists of longer valued notes (compared to the previous rhythm)
What is "Augmentation"? A rhythm that consists of shorter value notes (compared to the previous rhythm)
What is "Ostinato"? A musical phrase (a section of music) that is repeated
What are the 4 main sections of the Sonata Form? Exposition, Development, Recapitulation and Coda
What are the 3 Primary Chords? Tonic chord (I), Dominant chord (V) and Subdominant chord (IV)
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