Logic Gates


Year 10 Computing (Components) Flashcards on Logic Gates, created by Beth Barnes on 19/09/2016.
Beth Barnes
Flashcards by Beth Barnes, updated more than 1 year ago
Beth Barnes
Created by Beth Barnes over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Logic Gates Logic gates are digital switches
0 and 1 The zero and ones make up the inputs and outputs. One is true and zero is false.
Not Logic Gate
Not Truth Table The output is the opposite of the input.
And Logic Gate
And Truth Table The output is 1 when both are 1.
Or Logic Gate
Or Truth Table Input has to include a 1to produce a 1.
Nand Logic Gate
Nand Truth Table Output is 1 if there is at least one 0. (Opposite of And)
Nor Logic Gate
Nor Truth Table Output is 0 when there is at least one 0. (Opposite of Or)
Xor/Eor Logic Gate
Xor/Eor Truth Table Output is 1 when both numbers are different.
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