Chapter 1b Exam


Flashcards on Chapter 1b Exam, created by Madeline Luedke on 26/09/2016.
Madeline Luedke
Flashcards by Madeline Luedke, updated more than 1 year ago
Madeline Luedke
Created by Madeline Luedke about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pharmacodynamic The study of physiological/biochemical interactions of drug molecules with the target tissue
Receptor • large protein molecules on surface (or within) cells • accept binding from a particular neurotransmitter, hormone or drug (ligands) • when activated relay info to inside of cell and alter processes • different subtypes
affinity molecules with best "fit into receptor-> higher
agonist ligand that fits and triggers activity
antagonist ligand that fits, but triggers low/no activity
Dose Response Curve graph of biological bx effect for given dose of drug • S-shape
Threshold dose with smallest measurable effect
ED50 dose giving 50% of maximum effect
Potency absolute amount of drug needed to produce an effect
Therapeutic Index the ratio between the toxic dose and effective dose (TD50/ED50) • bigger is better
competitive antagonist competes for limited receptors & displaces agonist from receptors "takes more to do the job" • shifts curve to the right • Nalrtrexone binds to same receptor as morphine and competes for spot to treat Analgesia
Non-competitive antagonist impairs action in other ways though not directly at the receptor site • changes shape of curve • ketamine
Tolerance drug effects diminsh after repeared use
Behavioral Tolerance tolerance develops in the same environment but not new environment
State Dependent Learning Tasks learned in drugged state may be performed better under drugged state
Sensitization repeated use can cause increased response to a drug
Types of Tolerance 1. Metabolic 2. Pharmacodynamic Tolerance 3. Behavioral Tolerance
Metabolic Tolerance • over repeated use, drug induces liver to produce appropriate microsomal enzyme • drug is metabolized faster, less makes it to target tissue • all drugs metabolized by that enzyme will be effected (cross tolerance)
Pharmacodynamic Tolerance • changes in nerve cell functioning compensate for drug • "desensitization" • chronic stimulation leads to down regulation of receptors | chronic blockage leads to up regulation of receptors
Behavioral Tolerance • brain begins to counter drug when entering environment
Sensitization repeated use can cause increased response to drug • needs less and less to crave it intensely
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