Culture & Diversity


CPXP Exam Flashcards on Culture & Diversity, created by Beth Ryther on 09/10/2016.
Beth Ryther
Flashcards by Beth Ryther, updated more than 1 year ago
Beth Ryther
Created by Beth Ryther over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Individualism A cultural orientation in which people belong to loose social frameworks and their primary to concern is for themselves and their families.
High Power Distance bosses are afforded more power titles are used, formality is the rule and authority is seldom with by passed.
High Uncertainty Avoidance concerned with security attended to avoid conflict. People have a need for consensus. The inherent uncertainty in life is a threat against which people in such cultures constantly struggle.
Masculinity assertiveness, and materialism are valued. Money and possessions are important and performance is what counts. Achievement is admired.
Collectivism A cultural orientation in which individuals belong to tightly knit social frameworks and they depend strongly on large extended families or clans.
Low Power Distance People believe that inequality in society should be minimized. Managers and employees see one another as similar.
Lower Uncertainty Avoidance More tolerant of ambiguity. People are more willing to take risks and more tolerant of individual differences.
Feminists Emphasize relationships and concern for others.
Diversity About dignity, respect & being a human being. Remember REGARDS Race Ethnicity Gender Age Religion Disabilities Sexual Orientation
Culture The lens through which we see the world.
Steps to Enhance Cultural Sensitivity Start with Awareness Grows with Knowledge Enhanced with Specific Skills Polished Through Cross-Cultural Interactionss
Cultural Time Orientation PAST Used to being powerful in the past such as China, Great Britain, Australia and North America. Seek traditional medicine
Culture Time Orientation FUTURE Seen as cultures of wealth. People tend to be optimistic and tend to assume that new medication is better.
Culture Time Orientation PRESENT Focus on here and now - 3rd world countries. God will take care of everything. No matter what it is God's will. Will need to spend more time educating them on modern medicine. Avoid immunization and prolonged use of Rex
Relationship to Nature US: body is a machine and medicine can fix it Others: natural methods; God's will
Family Organization Anglo-American: everyone equal Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian: hierarchical model where status and power matter; based on age, gender, title and authority; 3-4 generations under 1 roof and care for their elderly
Gender Gender of HC provider, strict sexual segregation, modesty, female physicians, male nurses, touching
Language & Reading Ability Some express differently if bilingual depending on native tongue May be more emotional in home language Use partner or spouse rather than husband/wife
Ethnicity/Country of Origin Race = physical attributes Ethnicity = specific attributes that exceed the limitation of the definition of race
Sprituality Some cultures believe that pictures take the soul Touching of the head is taboo in Asia
Religion Depending on faith various understandings/expectations affect health, illness and daily life.
Nine Elements of Culture Competence Life Pain Decision Making Health Illness Mental Health Terminal Illness Life Support End of Life Death
Life Develop relationships with patients and work to build trust. Develop a constant, a delicate balance between adequate communication and time constraints. Direct and to the point questioning is considered improper and may suggest a lack of personal interest.
Pain Educate the patient on the need for controlling pain and possible consequences that can occur if not properly managed. Offer pain meds when the condition warrants it and insist upon giving it when necessary.
Decision Making Always ask patients who they want involved in their medical decisions. Be patient and understand if a patient wants to wait for others to help in making healthcare decisions.
Health Illness Be careful not to demonstrate negative bias toward folk medicine. Diminishes trust.
Mental Illness Educated pts about their options. Explain meds to the pts explaining possibilities for addition but your partnership in making them better is a priority.
Terminal Illness Take "blaming" issues into account. Reassure survivors that they have done what they can. Use an interpreter to ensure clear communication - not a family member. CA high among minorities
Life Support Consider that decisions might be made by the family, death has different stages, pts might believe in reincarnation, families believe in certain procedures regarding death
End of Life Identify cultural and religious influences on removing life support. Seek a sensitive approach to end of life decisions. Be culturally sensitive with family. Understand how family and patient culture can complicate the giving and sharing of info. Ask questions in a sensitive manner.
Death Use clear and specific language so families can prepare for decisions related to palliative care. Ask about preferences and rituals to better understand their needs.
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