French vocabulary


Vocabulary for the topic 'Family and Relationships'. Higher and foundation
Flashcards by gmartin260198, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gmartin260198 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
aimable likeable
aîné older
amical friendly
barvard chatty/talkative
beau/belle handsome/beautiful
bête stupid
bouclé curly
fâché angry
heureux happy
méchant naughty
sans travail unemployed
seul alone
triste sad
animé busy
coupable guilty
déçu disappointed
effrayant scary
égal equal
étonnant surprising
fier proud
inconnu unknown
maigre skinny
maladroit clumsy
reconnaissant grateful
vif lively
barbe beard
chômage unemployed
dame lady
femme wife/woman
lieu place
mari husband
sondage survey
vérité truth
visage face
voisin neighbour
une bague ring
célibataire single
conseil advice
ennui boredom
espoir hope
jumeau/jumelle twin
les noces marriage/wedding
les sans abris homeless
appeler to call
connaître to know/be acquainted with
rire to laugh
sourire to smile
cacher to hide
se débrouiller to get by/manage
déranger to disturb/upset
féliciter to congratulate
gêner to embarrass
lutter to struggle
mourir to die
se plaindre to complain
tomber amoureux de to fall in love with
travail bénévol charity work
un vol to fly/theft
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