Duke William of Normandy


Battle of Hastings
Jonathan Ng
Flashcards by Jonathan Ng, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Ng
Created by Jonathan Ng almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Name: William Title: Duke of Normandy THEN King of England Birthplace: Falaise Birth year: 1027 Nationality: Norman Died: September 9, 1087 Roen Cause: Illness or Injury caused by the pommel of his saddle Right to the Throne: He wanted to become king. For power, wealth and the Throne of England. Also, there is one story that writes about how Harold was rescued from a shipwreck and pledged the Throne to William. Battle Strategy: Archers first, then Infantry and Horsemen and finally all three at the same time. (NO MERCY!)
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