Can do cards


- self assessment cards for construction students
Bob Read
Flashcards by Bob Read, updated more than 1 year ago
Bob Read
Created by Bob Read over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A litre of paint covers 6 m². How many litres would you need for an area of 30 m²? 5 litres
A man buys 10 lengths of timber, each 3.25 m. long. What is the total length? 32.5 m
A pallet of roof tiles covers 40 m². How many pallets would you need for a roof area of 100 m²? 3 pallets
A roll of roof felt covers 5 m². How many rolls would you need for 120 m²? 24 rolls
A job requires 35 m of guttering. How many whole lengths will you need to order to have enough for the job? 12 lengths
What is the volume of the pad of concrete 5 m x 12 m x 0.3 m? 18 cubic metres
If a load of concrete was mixed at 7.15 am. What is the final setting time? 5.45 pm
A concrete mix is made from cement, sand and aggregate in the ratio of 1:2:4. If you use 8 shovels of sand, how much cement and aggregate would you need? 4 shovels of cement 16 shovels of aggregage
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