

Ali Dragozova
Flashcards by Ali Dragozova, updated more than 1 year ago
Ali Dragozova
Created by Ali Dragozova over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Define Pressure. What are the units of pressure? The amount of force acting on a unit of area. N/cm2 (newton,cm,squared)
Give 3 formulas from the triangle of pressure. force/area =pressure pressure x area=force force/pressure= area
The pressure due to a force depends on 2 factors, name them. 1.Pressure increases when the force increases. 2.Pressure increases when the area that the force is acting on decreases
How does pressure vary with depth in liquids?Give examples of this. The value of pressure will increase as you go deeper below the surface of a liquid. * A dam wall is thicker at the base then at the top.
What is atmospheric pressure? The pressure due to the WEIGHT of the gases PUSHING down on the earth.
How does atmospheric pressure vary with height? *It decreases with height above sea level.
Where is pressure greatest- at the top of a mountain or at sea level. Why? At sea level. There is more pressure ,because there is more gases pushing down on you.
How do you measure pressure? Name 2 types. A barometer is used. 1)Anaeroid barometer 2)Mercury barometer
What are isobars? Lines on a weather chart that joins areas with equal atmospheric pressure
How do you measure altitude? An altimeter is used.
When the pressure is: a)high b)low what will the weather be like? a)clear,settled,dry b)wet,windy,dull
What does it mean when isobars are a)close together b)far apart a)the winds will be strong b)the winds will be light
What is the normal atmospheric pressure? 1014 hPa hPa-hectopascal=unit of A.P
What are applications of pressure? 1)water supply systems-the greater the height of the reservoir the greater the pressure. 2)Hydraulics-Liquids used to create large pressures in machinery.
Why is low atmospheric pressure associated with bad weather? Low A.P means that it is easier for water to evaporate into the air because the 'blanket' of A.P pressing down on the water is lighter.
Increased pressure, increased....... Decreased pressure, decreased...... increased...boiling point decreased....boiling point
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