Ent practical 1


Practical 1
atbaa  2020
Flashcards by atbaa 2020, updated more than 1 year ago
atbaa  2020
Created by atbaa 2020 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Microtia and congenital meatal atresia, right Unilateral disease is best treated by: A: Hearing aid B: Reconstructive surgery at age 12 months C: Reconstructive surgery before school age D: No treatment required Answer is: D: No treatment required
Diagnosis: Heamtoma auris, left this condition may be complicated by: A: Abscess formation B: Perichondritis C: Cauliflower ear D: All of the above Answer is: D: All of the above
Diagnosis: Perichondritis, right ear. This condition does not follow whitch of the following: A: Acute otitis media B: Hematoma auris C: Furuncle of external canal D: Postoperative Answer is: A: Acute otitis media
Diagnosis: cauliflower ear this ear condition is a common sequelae of: A: Carcinoma of external canal B: Basal cell carcinoma of auricle C: Perichondritis of auricle D: Herpes zoster Answer is: C: Perichondritis of auricle
External canal aural polyp, left ear. Symptoms of this condition may include: A: Conductive hearing loss B: sensorineural hearing loss C: Facial paralysis D: All of the above Answer is: D: All of the above
Facial paralysis, complete, right side. Electroneuronography in case of facial paralysis is: A: A good diagnostic test B: A good indicator for nerve degeneration, and thus surgical decompression C: A good test for muscle wasting D: Has no value Answer is: B: A good indicator for nerve degeneration, and thus surgical decompression
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