Day 2 Filming


Day 2 of filming
Anita O
Flashcards by Anita O, updated more than 1 year ago
Anita O
Created by Anita O over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Graffiti Tunnel Filming at the graffiti tunnel also went quite well. The focus was mainly on the dancers so tracking and wide shots were used often, there were some close ups of the dancers faces and there shoes in order to see their footwork.
Problems When we arrived at the tunnel it was quite dark, we were able to see the dancers and the graffiti but it wasnt a lit as we wanted it to be. So we decided when we viewed the shots at college if it is not lit enough and we can't make it brighter in pst production we will just have to go back and reshoot with lights
Problems There was also the minor problem of motorbikes that were in the tunnel. They sound of the motorbike were very loud so the dancers were not able to hear the music over them we also could'nt here the music when we looked at the footage on the camera so it would be harder for us to match up the music and the dancers when it came to editing. Luckly there were not there for the whole time we were there.
Canary Wharf We did not get the chance to film at the place in Canary Wharf because we were unable to find it. This was due to lack of research on the place.
Cabot Place Cabot place was the location we were looking for in Canary Wharf and Jemima was able to find it on the Interent after more research was done into this location. So we are going to have to go back and film there know that we know the place and where to find it.
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