

GCSE Physics Additional Science (AQA) Flashcards on Forces , created by yusanr98 on 02/04/2014.
Flashcards by yusanr98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by yusanr98 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What can forces do? A force can change the shape of an object or change its motion or its state of rest.
What is the unit of force? Newton (N)
What two objects interact, what can we say about the forces acting? When two forces interact, they always exert(apply) equal and opposite forces on each other.
What is a resultant force? It is a single force that has the same effect as all the forces acting on and object.
What happens if the resultant force on an object is zero? The object stays at rest or at constant velocity.
What happens if the resultant force on an object is not zero? The velocity of the object will change.
How do we calculate the resultant force when an object is acted on by two forces acting along the same line? If two forces act on an object along the same line, the resultant force is: their sum if the force act in the same direction or if their difference if the forces act in opposite directions.
How does the acceleration of an object on the size of the resultant force? The bigger the resultant force on an object is, the greater its acceleration is.
What effect does the mass of the object have on its acceleration? The greater the mass of an object is, the smaller its acceleration is for a given force.
How do we calculate the resultant force on an object from its acceleration and its mass? Resultant force (newtons,N)= Mass(kilograms) ___________________________ acceleration(metres per second squared)
What forces oppose the driving force of a car? Friction and air resistance.
What does the stopping distance of a vehicle depend on? Thinking distance and breaking distance.
What factors can increase the stopping distance of a vehicle? High speed, poor weather conditions and poor maintenance all increase distance. Poor reaction time and high speed both increases thinking time.
What is the difference between mass and weight? The weight of an object is the force of gravity on it. Its mass is the quantity of matter on it.
What is terminal velocity? The velocity reached by an object when the drag force on it is equal and opposite to the force making it move.
How do we measure the extension of an object when it is stretched? The difference is the difference between the length of the spring and its original length.
How does the extension of a spring vary with the force applied to it? The extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied to it, provided the limit of proportionality is not exceeded.
What is the spring constant of a spring? The spring constant of a spring is the force per unit extension needed to stretch it.
How can the fuel economy of road vehicles be improved? By reducing the speed or fitting a wind deflector.
What is an average speed camera? They measure speed of a vehicle.
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