
Jordan Wright
Flashcards by Jordan Wright, updated more than 1 year ago
Jordan Wright
Created by Jordan Wright over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ergonomics Ensuring products interacted with are most efficient and safe to use.
RSI Repetitive strain injury. A muscular condition caused by a repeated action for long periods of time.
Analysis Breaking a problem down so it's easier to understand and solve. Understanding inputs, processes and outputs.
Design/ICT Tools Software used to provide a solution to an ICT problem.
RSS Really simple syndication. format of syndicating content i.e. a youtube video being posted and seen by subscribers. If RSS-aware software is present, it can check for changes and react in an appropriate way.
Transcription error Error made when typing data in using a document as the source of data.
Transposition error Error made when keys are swapped around, typing in too fast or by fat finger (When spelling 'for' you hit the 'r' key with the 'f' key, making 'fro'.
Validation Ensuring that the data entered is reasonable and sensible.
Verification Ensuring that the data matched perfectly to the original source.
Check digit Decimal number added to a number for the purpose of detecting sorting errors.
Hash total Meaningless numbers which are only used to check if the data inputted has been processed.
Control total Meaningful numbers which is entered to check that the data has been processed.
Data type check Checks to see if the data added is the same as the type of data specified for the field.
Presence check (*) Ensures that their is something in the cell
Length check Ensures that data entered is the correct amount of characters i.e 6
File/table lookups Ensures that codes entered are the same as those used in a table or file of codes.
Cross field check Ensures that data in one field matches with the other field used to make sure they make sense.
Range check Checks the data inputted on a computer is within a certain range.
Format checks Performed on codes to ensure they hold the correct combination of characters i.e three letters and two numbers; 'EAR 45'.
Validation checks Checks a developer's solution in order to restrict the data that a user can enter; reduce errors.
Input message Messages a user will see when they select a cell for input of data.
Validation expression/rule The command that a developer must type in order to set up the validation for a field/cell.
Validation message Message a user will see if they type in data that doesn't meet validation rules.
Process Operation that transfers data into information.
Data capture Way a computer obtains its data for processing.
RAM Random access memory. Fast temporary memory which loses its content when the power is off.
Volatile memory Memory which loses data when turned off; RAM.
ROM Read only memory. Memory stored on a chip which doesn't lose data when turned off.
Non-volatile memory Memory stored on a chip which doesn't go away when the power is off; ROM.
Compression Storing data in a file format that requires less space.
Continuous stationary Long pieces of paper with perforations between the pages and down each side. Sprocket holes are down the side which enable the paper to be pulled through the printer.
Impact printer Similar to Dot matrix printers. Hits shape of letters in a inked ribbon against the page.
GUI Interface that allows users to communicate with their computer using icons and pull-down menus.
Operating system Software which is able to control hardware and used to run application softwares.
System software Any computer software that controls the hardware thus allowing applications software to do a useful job.
Utility programs Helps the user in performing tasks i.e. virus checking.
Driver A written program which understands the operations of a device it controls. Needed to allow systems/applications software to use the connected device properly.
Peripheral Device connected to and under control of a central processing unit (CPU).
Bespoke software Software written specially for a particular user.
Generic software Application used for different tasks and can be used in lots of areas of work.
Integrated software Application package consisting of software for several distinct packages.
Package Software Programs and documents for a piece of software.
Specific software Software designed for one task.
Relational database management system (RDMS) Data is held in tables with relationships established between them. Software is used to set up and hold data and to extract and manipulate the stored data.
Relationship The way tables are related to each other. Can be 1 to 1, 1 to many or many to many.
Implementation Process of producing a working version of a solution to the problem as identified by the client.
Evaluation Act of reviewing what has been achieved, how it was achieved and how well the solution works.
Boundary data data which is at either side of the limits imposed by a range check and the numbers of the range themselves.
Requirements test Ensuring the solution meets the user requirements.
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