Created by melgallagher
almost 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
What year was the Triple Alliance formed? | 1882 |
Which countries were involved in the Triple Alliance? | Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy |
Who created the Triple Alliance? | Bismark |
Why did they sign the Triple Alliance? | Germany was worried the French wanted revenge, so signed the DEFENSIVE alliance |
What year was the Franco-Russian alliance signed? | 1892 |
Why did they sign the franco-russian alliance? | French hatred of germany DEFENSIVE |
What year was the entente cordial signed and which countries were involved? | 1904 France and Britain |
Why was the entente cordiale signed? | FRIENDLY About britain allowing france to control morocco and about britains role in egypt |
What year was the anglo-russian agreement signed? | 1907 |
Why was the anglo-russian agreement signed? | French used it's influence to improve relations between russia and britain. It solved colonial problems between russia and britain |
What did these 3 agreements from 1892-1907 create? | The triple entente, with Britain, Russia and France |
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ALLIANCES | Europe was divided into 2 power blocks. Germany saw a "policy of encirclement" by the triple entente. Secrecy of the alliances caused distrust and rising tension. Countries were dragged into disputes. Russia worried about Austria's intentions in Balkans. |
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