

Flashcards on History , created by Vanessa Brooks on 24/11/2016.
Vanessa Brooks
Flashcards by Vanessa Brooks, updated more than 1 year ago
Vanessa Brooks
Created by Vanessa Brooks over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
History unit 1
what is a long term cause? it something that has been happening since year and years before the event
what is a short term cause? something that happened recently before the event
History Unit 2
What was the English Civil War it was a war between the Cavaliers who supported the king and the Roundheads who supported parliament and was caused because the king was taking too much of parliaments money
What was the American Civil War The American Civil War was Americas Bloodiest war and was fought against North and South America and the cause was slavery
What was the outcome of the English Civil War the outcome was that King Charles was executed and Cornwall was the leader
What was the outcome of the American Civil War Rober E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant and slaves were free but a couple days after President Lincoln was assassinated
What was the legacy of the North versus the South America? That slavery was illegal and all slaves must be free
What's the 'point' of civil wars They are so the country can agree and be equal
Where did Thomas Becket die? Canterbury Cathedral
When did the English Civil start? 1642
When did the English Civil War end? 1649
What was the cause of the English Civil War? Ship tax
What was the date of the Gunpowder Plot? November 5th 1605
What did Thomas Becket do? He was the Chief Advisor
How did he die? 4 knights killed him
When did he die? 29th December 1170
When was the American Civil War? 1861
What was the cause of it? Slavery
What happened during the Gunpowder Plot? Guy Fawkes was in charge and leaded the Catholics to blow up the king and was stopped by Robert Cecil
Who was involved in Beckets Death? King Henry
what happened 3000 bc? Pre-history - understanding is based on spirits and gods. No real medical care. People died very young.
what happened in 2000 bc? Egyptian empire - development of papyrus and a greater understanding of the body
1500 - 300 bc Greek Empire - medicine still based on religion. Here, patience would get better, but mainly but mainly through rest
what happened in 400 bc - 500 ad? roman empire - the Romans introduced aqueducts, public baths , sewers and drains ect.
what happened in 1348? THE BLACK DEATH - in europe more that 25 mil people died. People had no ides how to stop the plague, used religious beliefs also.
what were the symptoms of the black death? abdominal pain nausea fever bleeding skin turning back
what happened in 1665? The great plague - little improvement, don't now whats causing it, no control or understanding prevention
what happened in 1760-1840? industrial revolution. more families moved into towns or cities, the standers of public health declined
what happened in 1948? NHS - provides free and comprehensive healthcare
how was ordinary life for people change after the black death? After the ravages of the disease, surviving Europeans lived longer, a new study finds.
what was tudor medicine like? they had little understanding of the causes and cures for illness
how did they treat illness? they used clay, mud and wood to treat broken bones. ointments such as mosses, leaves, bark and animal fats were used for cuts
who treated the sick? shamans used rituals and charms to cure the illness
how healthy were people? not healthy at all. They always needed to be treated
what were the improvements in 19th century medicine? public health was introduced and used in towns and cities which made them more populated
what is the welfare state of the NHS? successful and saving lives everyday
describe medicine in Cayman through the ages ...
1879 vaccinations are dropped off in Grand Cayman. They were administered by a schoolmaster
1887 Fire report- Caymanians are in need of a qualified resident doctor
1912 law for the construction of a latrine in every house in Georgetown
april 1917 first medical survey of the islands
1917 hookworms affected 20% of the population. Mosquito problem
1950 until this date there was never more than one dentist on the island at a time
1953 a 28 bed hospital was built in Georgetown
1965 the Mosquito Research & Control Unit was established
1971 8 bed hospital built in Cayman Brac
1979 one qualified doctor for every 833 inhabitants
describe was it was like in the Roman Empire the Roman empire was brutal, they would work for hours and fight in the army later
roman empire continued ... if you make a mistake you would be killed by your fellow roommates with rocks
describe what the aztec empire was like the aztec empire was hard work but you would be worshiped by your town and you'd be allowed to wear feathers and special clothes
compare the contrast the empires to reach a judgement about which one was most successful the Roman Empire were the greatest empire ever but the aztecs were treated better but weren't as good fighters
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