6 History- Black hand gang+The outbreak of war


Flashcards by melgallagher, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by melgallagher over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Who were the black hand gang? A serbian, terrorist, nationalist group, aiming to unite all serbian people. 2500 members by 1914. They hated austria-hungary and their control of bosnia
Who was Franz Ferdinand? The heir to the austro-hungarian throne
Where did he go in bosnia and why? The capital- Sarajevo. He went to try and strengthen the loyalty of the bosnian people to austria-hungary
What date was he killed and what happened? 28th June 1914. There was poor security and a number of mambers of the black hand gang were there to assassinate Ferdinand. Cabrinovic threw a grenade at the car which bounced off. The driver took the car down the wrong street, to where Gavrilo Princip was getting a sandwich. He shot the archduke and his wife, Sophie, while he had the chance.
What is the significance of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand? Was a good excuse to deal with serbia. Austria sent a "10 point ultimatum" to serbia-which srbia accepted but one; to allow austrian police into serbia to investigate. On the 6th July, germany assures austria they would support them no matter what. Triggered off the alliances and made the war into a world war.
When did Austria declare war on Serbia? 28th July 1914
When did Russia mobilize its army? 30th July 1914
Germany declare war on Russia? 1st August 1914
Germany declare war on France (activating Schlieffen plan)? 3rd August 1914
Britain declare war on Germany? 4th August 1914
France declare war on Germany? 5th August 1914
Austria declare war on Russia? 6th August 1914
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