Systems software L2 Identifying and preventing vulnerabilities Quiz


Systems software L2 Identifying and preventing vulnerabilities
Sam Houghton
Flashcards by Sam Houghton, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Houghton
Created by Sam Houghton about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Penetration testing IN COMPUTER SCIENCE SYSTEM SECURITY? Pen’ testing is the practice of deliberately trying to find security holes in your own systems The goal of penetration testing is to: identify the targets of potential attacks identify possible entry points attempt to break in report back the findings
What is black box testing? In black box testing, testers are given no more information than any potential hacker may have
What is white box testing? In white box testing, testers are given as much information as an ‘insider’ may have, in order to determine how much damage a rogue employee could do to a system
What is Ethical hacking and the the difference between White-hat and Black-hats? Hackers can be split into different camps based on their motives Traditionally, the media focuses on black-hat hackers with criminal intent ‘White-hats’ are ethical hackers, employed to put their expertise to good in finding system vulnerabilities before the ‘black-hats’ abuse them They are usually employed by companies or security firms
What are Grey-hat hackers? ‘Grey-hats’ fall somewhere in between black and white hats Grey hats will frequently seek out system vulnerabilities without authorisation from the system owners Any flaws they find may either be reported for a ‘ransom’ fee or broadcast on the Internet without actually doing anything to take advantage of the flaws themselves
What are Audit trails? Audit trails are useful for maintaining security and for recovering lost data Data that is commonly recorded can tell you: Who attempted access? – Usernames and IP addresses What did they do? - Download, view, delete or modify data Where did they look? – Which computers were accessed? When did they do it? – Creates a timeline of events Why did they do it? – Motives may begin to emerge
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