

Fifth year Home economics Flashcards on Marriage, created by Lucy Waters on 04/12/2016.
Lucy Waters
Flashcards by Lucy Waters, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucy Waters
Created by Lucy Waters about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Marriage customs and cultural variations: !!
Minimum age Ireland - 18 Sudan - 10
Choice of partners -All societies place some form of constraint of an individuals choice of marriage partner: religion, socio-economic grouping, close family relationships -consanguinity: blood -affinity:marriage -caste system: class structure determined by birth
Number of spouses Monogamous/polygamous
Monogamy -1 spouse -western/Christian communities -bigamy:act of marrying another person whilst legally married -serial monogamy:divorce/marry multiple times
Polygamy -2+ spouses -polygyny/polyandry
Polygyny -man has 2+ wives -patriarchal:male dominated -more wives=wealthier man -Islamic communitis and African countries
Polyandry -woman has 2+ husbands -rare-poor agricultural societies, 2 men to pay bills. -Tibetan and marquesas communities
Location In some cultures couples are expected to live in certain areas after they marry
Matrilocal Close to brides extended family
Patrilocal Close to grooms extended family
Neolocal Neutral location
Customs during marriage ceremonies Jewish wed: glass broken under grooms foot=marriage can break Hindu wed: ceremonial fire in 7 steps=vow and prayer at each step
Legal requirements to marry in Ireland -over 18 -mentally well -3 months notice -registered venue -single/divorced -voluntary basis -not closely related -register the wedding w/ 2 witnesses
Rights and responsibilities within a marriage in Ireland -to cohabit together -sexual relationships -remain loyal -financial support -joint guardianship of kids -inherit from each other
Marriage preparation Either formally or informally
@ Home - informal -parents are role models -learn skills to maintain healthy marital relationship
@ School - informal -SPHE -Religion -Home Ec
Pre-marriage course Offers opportunity to reflect on their hopes and expectations of each other. Hosted by: denominational groups or non denominational groups Topics covered: family planning, finance & communication
Advantages of pre marriage course -what being married means & expectations -discuss positive & negative qualities -strengthen communication skills -discuss specific issues that may be worrying them and offer practical advice on how to resolve them
Factors that affect marital stability !!
Unrealistic expectation Romantic fantasy: idealism is not fulfilled
Dissimilar interests Difficult to bond and enhance marital relationships
Infidelity If one partner is unfaithful, trust can be lost
Unemployment Can create financial insecurity, placing strain on marital relationships
Marriage counselling To prevent marital breakdown, offered by ACCORD and relationships Ireland. Counsellor remains impartial and helps couples express their feelings, concerns, problems. Offer guidance and support
Counselling can only be successful if... Both spouses attend. The couples problems are not so far advances that the best solution for both parties is separation
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