British Economy, 1974 - 1979 (Harold Wilson, LP)


British Economy, 1974 - 1979 (Harold Wilson, LP)
Chloe Fairbrother
Flashcards by Chloe Fairbrother, updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe Fairbrother
Created by Chloe Fairbrother about 8 years ago

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Question Answer
British Economy, 1974 - 1979 Harold Wilson, LP
Due to the events of the Yom Kippur War, to what value did the Balance of Payments rise to? £1 billion
What did the annual inflation rate rise to? 16%
What did the value of Sterling drop to? $1.57
How high was the rate of interest increased to? 15% (the highest budget deficiency in British history)
What was the state of unemployment between 1974 and 1976? Doubled to 1.44 million
When did the Yom Kippur War break out? October, 1973
Between which two nations was the Yom Kippur War fought between? How was Britain involved with the conflict? Arab members of O.P.E.C had already experienced a long-running conflict with Israel. Britain, alongside other Western powers, supported Israel. The Arab members retaliated by strictly limiting oil supplies to the Western world.
In the October 1974 General Election, how many seats had the Labour Party gained? 18 seats
In the October 1974 General Election, how many seats had the Conservative Party lost? 21 seats
In the October 1974 General Election, what was the overall majority of the Labour Party? 3 seats (despite having 42 more seats)
Whilst in Opposition, what did Wilson negotiate in 1973 to placate with the Trade Union Congress? The Social Contract
What positions were Tony Benn and Michael Foot appointed? Head of the Department of Industry and Head of the Department of Employment
When did Denis Healey, as Chancellor, propose his two new budgets? March, 1975 and July, 1975
What did Denis Healey's speech in Leeds (January 1975) concern warnings of? Wage inflation promoting rises in unemployment. Public spending needed to be curbed.
What did Tony Been establish in 1974? National Enterprise Board (NEB)
What event, in 1975, led to people questioning the effectiveness of the NEB? British Leyland was nationalised.
When did Harold Wilson suddenly resign? March, 1976
How did Harold Wilson describe his successor, James Callaghan, as Prime Minister? "A safe pair of hands."
When was the first Labour Party Conference with Callaghan as PM held? September, 1976
How much was the loan received by the IMF in December, 1976? £3 billion
By 1978, how many British oil fields were in production? 9
What value did inflations rates fall to under Callaghan's premiership? 10%
How many Liberal Party MPs pledged their allegiance to support the Labour Party in the 'Lib-Lab' Pact? 12
When were the referendums for Devolution held in both Scotland and Wales? 1st March 1979
How much of the electorate needed to be in agreement for Devolution in order for it to be successfully passed? 40% (a Labour Party MP introduced this Clause)
What was the value of the wage increase offer that the TUC rejected from the Labour Party? 5%
How long did the Ford lorry drivers go on strike for, and what was the outcome? 9 weeks and a 15% wage increase by December, 1978.
Roughly how many workers came out on strike on 22nd January,1979? 1.5 million
Name four other groups of workers who arranged strikes during Callaghan's premiership (not lorry drivers). Hospital Porters (CHSE) Clerical Staff in local councils (NUPE) Dustmen Gravediggers
When did the general strikes reach their conclusion? March, 1979
What was the overall average wage increase? 10%
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