psychological explanations


AS - Level psychology (A2 chapter 8 - Schizophrenia ) Flashcards on psychological explanations , created by Daisy U on 05/01/2017.
Daisy  U
Flashcards by Daisy U, updated more than 1 year ago
Daisy  U
Created by Daisy U about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
name the 2 psychological explanariosn family dysfunction cognitive explanations
name the three things linked to family dysfunction schizophregenic mothers double bind expressed emotion
who came up with schizophregenic mothers Fromm Reichmann
what is schizophregenic mothers the parent is cold, harsh, controlling and rejecting this leads to paranoia and distrust
who did the double bind Bateson
what is double bind all about and how does it cause schz -it is a lack of communication in families -the child fears doing wrong and is punished by withdrawal of love -they find the world confusing and causes paranoia
what is expressed emotion and what can it lead to -it is negative emotion towards schz sufferers - verbal, hostility, over involvement -can lead to a relapse
what is the main cognitive explanation dysfunctional thoughts
who came up with the cognitive explanation - dysfunctional thoughts Frith
what are the 2 types of dysfunctional thought processing metarepresentation central control
what is metarepresentation and what could it lead to you reflect on thoughts and actions could lead to hallucinations and delusions
what is central control and what does it cause it supresses automatic responses could lead to disorganised speech
evaluation psychological explanation - support for family dysfunction Read 46 studies of child abuse 69% of women had schz 59% of men had schz all had insecure attachment
evaluation psychological explanation - weak evidence for family based and what is an issue with it not much research for schz mother and double bind can lead to parent blaming
evaluation psychological explanation - strong evidence for dysfunction Stirling 30 patients and 18 controls cognitive tasks e.g. stroop test patients took twice as long
evaluation psychological explanation - what is the origin there is a lack of cause and effect with the studies. as you only look at them after they are diagnosed
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