Macroeconomics - Chapter 29


Fiscal Policy
Flashcards by yaeguma, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by yaeguma over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Fiscal Policy the use of the federal budget to achieve macroeconomic objectives
Why does the government use fiscal policy? o Income redistribution o Spending
Federal Budget the annual statement of the federal government’s outlays (spending) and taxes revenues
Revenues consist of • Personal income taxes (largest component) • Corporate income taxes • Indirect taxes (GST/HST) • Investment income
outlays consist of • Transfer payments (largest component) • Expenditure on goods and services • Debt interest
Budget Balance Budget balance = revenue – outlays
Budget Surplus revenues > outlays
Budget Deficit outlays > revenues
Balanced Budget revenues = outlays
Government Debt the accumulation of government borrowing
Supply-Side Effects the effect of fiscal policy on employment, potential GDP, and aggregate supply
Tax Wedge the gap created between the before-tax and after-tax wage rates
When the quantity of labour employed decreases, potential GDP ______ and the supply-side effect of a rise in the income tax _____ potential GDP and _______ aggregate supply When the quantity of labour employed decreases, potential GDP decreases and the supply-side effect of a rise in the income tax decreases potential GDP and decreases aggregate supply
Tax Wedge Rate Equation Tax wedge = income tax rate + tax rate of consumption expenditure
Real Interest Rate Equation real interest rate=nominal rate-inflation rate
Real After-Tax Rate Equation real after-tax rate=nominal rate-inflation rate (tax rate*nominal rate)
Laffer Curve the relationship between the tax rate and the amount of tax revenue collected
A tax ______ the supply of loanable funds A tax decreases the supply of loanable funds
At the tax rate T* on the Laffer curve, tax revenue is ________ At the tax rate T* on the Laffer curve, tax revenue is maximized
Below T* on the Laffer curve, a rise in the tax rate _______ revenue Below T* on the Laffer curve, a rise in the tax rate increases revenue
For a tax rate above T* on the Laffer curve, a rise in the tax rate _______ tax revenue For a tax rate above T* on the Laffer curve, a rise in the tax rate decreases tax revenue
Discretionary Fiscal Policy a policy action that is initiated by an act on parliament
Automatic Fiscal Policy a fiscal policy action triggered by the state of the economy with no explicit action by government
Structural Surplus or Deficit the budget balance that would occur if the economy were at full employment and real GDP were equal to potential GDP
Cyclical Surplus or Deficit is the actual surplus or deficit minus the structural surplus or deficit
Government Expenditure Multiplier the magnification effect of a change in government expenditure on goods and services on real GDP
Tax Multiplier quantitative effect of a change in taxes on real GDP
if the government finances spending by borrowing, there is _________ if the government finances spending by borrowing, there is crowding out
An increase in government expenditure or a tax cut _______ aggregate demand An increase in government expenditure or a tax cut increases aggregate demand
A decrease in government expenditure or a tax increase _______ aggregate demand A decrease in government expenditure or a tax increase decreases aggregate demand
Removal of stimulus can act like a fiscal restraint and shift aggregate demand to the _______ Removal of stimulus can act like a fiscal restraint and shift aggregate demand to the left
Recognition Lag the time it takes to figure out that fiscal policy action is needed
Law-Making Lag the time it takes parliament to pass the laws needed to change taxes or spending
Impact Lag the time it takes form passing a tax or spending change to its effect on real GDP being felt
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