

Resource summary

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NETWORK A method of connecting a bunch of computers together.
LAN Local Area Network.. Same Building.
WAN Wide Area Network. Connects Separate buildings.
WLAN Wireless Area Network.. Internet.
PEER TO PEER Two computers directly joined together e.g fifa is played through a peer to peer.
CLIENT SERVER Different types of computers and need a central computer to run. Must always be maintained to keep everything running.
TOPOLOGY A method of how you connect the computers together. E.g Bus Network, Ring Network, Star Network..
BUS NEWTWORK Has a central cable that all devices connect to but only one device can use it at a time.
RING NETWORK Peer to peer server but everyone has equall access but all messages can only go one way.
NODE All devices on a network.
STAR NETWORKS The most common network used in schools or banks or large companies.
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