AAT Ratio Analysis


Flashcards on AAT Ratio Analysis, created by Taiwo on 14/04/2014.
Flashcards by Taiwo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Taiwo over 10 years ago

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Question Answer
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) Profit from operations / Total Equity + Non-Current Liabilities x 100
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) What does it mean? A higher ROCE indicates more efficient use of capital.
Return on Total Assets Profit from Operations / Total Assets x 100
Return on Total Assets What does it mean? The ratio is considered an indicator of how effectively a company is using its assets to generate earnings before contractual obligations must be paid. (The greater the result the better)
Operating Profit Percentage Profit from Operations / Revenue x 100
Operating Profit Percentage What does it mean? Operating margin is a measurement of what proportion of a company's revenue is left over after paying for variable costs
Gross Profit Percentage Gross Profit / Revenue x 100
Gross Profit Percentage What does it show? Shows the proportion of money left over from revenue after accounting for the cost of goods sold.
Expense/Revenue Percentage Specified Expense / Revenue x 100
Expense/Revenue Percentage What does it mean? A lower percentage is better since it means expenses are low and earnings are high.
Return on Equity Profit after Tax Total Equity x 100
Return on Equity What does it show? How much profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested.
Earnings per Share Profit after Tax / Number of issued Ordinary Shares
Inventory Turnover Cost of Sales / Inventories
Inventory Holding Period Inventories / Cost of Sales x 365
Trade Payables Payment Period Trade Payables / Cost of Sales x 365
Trade Receivables Collection Period Trade Receivables / Revenue x 365
Total Asset Turnover Revenue / Total Assets
Net Asset Turnover Revenue / Total Assets – Current Liabilities
Working Capital Cycle Inventory Days + Receivable Days – Payable Days
Current Ratio Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Acid Test Ratio Current Assets – Inventories / Current Liabilities
Interest Cover Profit from Operations / Finance Costs
Gearing Non-Current Liabilities / Total Equity + Non-Current Liabilities x 100
Earnings per Share What is shows EPS tells you how much net income the business earned for each stock share you own. Higher EPS means increased profit.
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