Levels Of Organisation


IGCSE Biology Paper 1B (Levels Of Organisation) Flashcards on Levels Of Organisation, created by lingox on 15/04/2014.
Flashcards by lingox, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lingox almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Living organisms are made of tiny building blocks called cells, Some organisms are a single cell, others are multi cellular (lots of cells) Amoeba is a single cell organism. Animal muscle is multicellular.
Organelles. Cells have tiny structures called organelles.
Animal Cell, Organelles in an animal cell include, Nucleus, Cytoplasm and Cell membrane.
Nucleus. Contains genetic materials (DNA), controls the cells activities, has it's own cell membrane
Cell Membrane. This holds the cell structure together, and lets substances in and out.
Cytoplasm, Gel like substance that contains enzymes, these enzymes control the chemical reactions of the cell in the cytoplasm.
Plant cells. Usually have the same organelles as an animal cell, plus one or two extras.
In addition to a nucleus, cell membrane and cytoplasm. Plant cells will have chloroplasts, cell wall, and a vacuole.
Chloroplasts. Contain chlorophyll, which is green in colour and used in photosynthesis to produce food for the plant cells.
Cell Wall. a cellulose structure that surrounds the cell membrane to support and strengthen the cell.
Vacuole. large organelle made of sugars and salts called cell sap, helps to keep the shape of the cell.
Specialised Cells. Cells come in a variety of shapes and sizes, they will be adapted for specific or specialised functions.
Red Blood Cells. Are shaped specifically to give them a large surface area, and adapted to carry more oxygen.
Whit blood cells. are specialised to help defend the body against infections.
Tissue. Tissues are groups of similar cells, working together for a specific function Xylem tissue in plants, transports water and minerals to the plant, Phloem tissue transports amino acids and sucrose in plants. Tissue can contain more than one cell type.
Organs. Organs are a group of tissues that work together to perform a specific function. The lungs are an example of an organ in humans. Leaves are an organ of a plant.
Organ Systems. Organs work together to form organ systems. The digestive system is an organ system made up of: Stomach, Intestine, Pancreas, and Liver.
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