Exam #1 Europe & The UK


A study set for Exam #1 class POL 106--Comparative Government and Politics 1. Exam will consist of an intro to Comparative Government regarding historical background of Europe, and structure of the European Union.
Lisa Brobst
Flashcards by Lisa Brobst, updated more than 1 year ago
Lisa Brobst
Created by Lisa Brobst almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Comparative Politics Systematic study and comparison of the world’s political systems Explore patterns, processes, and regularities among political systems Seeks to explain differences between as well as similarities among countries Only through systematic comparison can we understand the effects (or causes) of different systems of government Origin: Ancient Greece: -Plato’s Republic (380 BC) Compared monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, aristocracy -Aristotle’s Politics (350 BC) Compared 150 constitutions -More recently: Influence of World War II, Cold War and Decolonization
Historical Development of Europe 1. Ancient Greece: Source of political philosophy 2. Roman Empire: Pan-European state (parts of North Africa and Middle East also), common language 3. Middle Ages: Europe divided politically, but Christianity acts as unifying factor
Cold War Division of Europe Western Europe during Cold War -Most are members of NATO—Under US security umbrella -1950-73 economic golden age -1958 European Economic Community—toward European integration Eastern Europe during Cold War -Political domination by USSR (except Yugoslavia) -Economic growth, but heavy industry rather than consumer goods→ low living standards
Collapse of European Communism 1989-1991 USSR: -Gorbachev’s reform attempts fail -Soviet Union dissolved in 1991 Eastern Europe: Revolution of 1989: -Peaceful overthrow of Communist regimes (except Romania) Eastern Europe Since 1989 -Transition to democracy and market economies -Integration into European institutions: Many join NATO and EU -Dark spot: violent breakup of Yugoslavia 1991-99
Regions of Europe--Economic Differences Total population: over 700 million (EU 510) densely populated Many of the world’s wealthiest nations Central and Eastern Europe: Poland, Austria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, ect Northern Europe & Nordic: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, UK, Lithuania, ect Southern Europe: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Albania, ect Baltic States (fearful of Russia): Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia Europe as an idea or identity: "Europeanization", "Globalization"
Long-Term Economic Trends in Europe
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