Created by Celina Romano
almost 8 years ago
Question | Answer |
Globalisation -> definition | worldwide change on an economic, technological and cultural level, the wolrd is said to be getting smaller (global village)-> increasing global mobility,global flows of money and goods bt. internstional markets, global spread of ideas and values, unstoppable process, affecting people all around the globen not everyone profits from it |
Globalisation-> economic globalisation | global players(multinational companies), overhead costs are cheapest and then sell troughout the global market, maximising their profits, increasing cooperation->international trade, capital flows around the wolrd more easily |
Globalisation -> technological globalisation | microelectronics revolution has changed human contact on earth, distances are shrinking,information is spreading faster, possible for everybody to communicate across national boundaries |
Globalisation -> cultural globalisation | Hollywood and Bollywood movies and americanstyle youth culture, spread of fast food chains,ethnic restaurants |
global challenges ->poverty | widening gap between the rich and the poor, poor people often do not have access to employment, basic health care, education and essential commodities |
global challenges -> ecological issues | pollution: industrialised nation cause most of the environmental problems, air pollution( emissions and exhaused gases), water pollution( chemical waste), soil pollution global warming: greenhouse gases, intensified by increasing global economic iactivity,consequences-> polar ice will melt, dangered sea levels, changing climate (freak weather ocuurs more frequently), biodiversity (plants and animals die out) |
Globalisation-> advantages and hopes | hope for new jobs, f.e in the local branches of the multinational companies, rising living standards and less poverty, spread of freedom,democracy, human rights make people hope for fewer wars and other conflicts, increasing opportunities on a personal level-> greater freindship among world citizens-> peaceful wolrd of shared universal values,, development of infrastructure-> fast transportation, communication-> collaboration |
globalisation.> criticism and fears | fear of increasing dependence on foreign support, investments and credits, political danger, cultural influences, manipulation trough media, massive illegal immigration, majority will not profit from globalisation( increasing inequality, survival of the fittest),, single global culture ( Americanization/Westernization-> wides gap between rich and poor), xenophobia, cruel working conditions, crisis effects all countries directly |
globalisation ->the UN | 1945: group of 51 countries founded the united nations, located in NYC, 2015: 193 member states, defends human rights and fundamental freedoms, programs such as UNICEF;UNHCR, Aims: international peace and security, friendly relations between member countires, support international cooperation, peacekeeping/-making/-building |
globalisation-> the EU | 28 states belong the european union, after the 2nd wolrdwar there was a desire for a united europe in order to prevent extreme forms of nationalism, esists since 1993, Aims: promote prosperity and social progress, promote friendly relations between member countries, freedom and justice to the eupeans, main groups: council of ministers, european parliament, european comission, located in Brussels |
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