Abnormality - Concepts and diagnostics


3 Psychology (Abnormality) Flashcards on Abnormality - Concepts and diagnostics , created by IBMeganC on 26/04/2014.
Flashcards by IBMeganC, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by IBMeganC almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Concepts of abnormality Abnormal behaviour refers to psychological behaviour
The three types of definition for abnormality 1. Statistical Infrequency 2. Deviation from social norms 3. Deviation from ideal mental health.
Statistical Infrequency Abnormal behaviours that are seen statistically rare are said to be abnormal.
Evaluate the Statistical Infrequency concept (-) Fails to recognise the desirability of the particular incidence. (-) Implies the presence of abnormality in people should be rare. (-) Implies there are ends to the abnormal spectrum.
Deviates from Social norms Abnormality can be defined as behaviour that deviates or violates social norms.
Evaluate the deviation from social norms concept. (-) Social norms change over time (-) They are different for different cultures
Scheff 1966 (in relation to Deviation from social norms) Social norms are residual values i.e. queuing. Abnormality therefore is behaviour that deviates from these; it is socially determined. This means society decides what's normal. It is judged by the masses.
Deviation from Ideal Mental Health. Tries to define ideal, then works out who doesn't fit that model. Focuses upon positive aspects of human behaviour.
Jahoda (1958) OPTIMAL LIVING - What were the 6 main criteria? 1) Positive view of the self. 2) Personal growth and development. 3) Autonomy. 4) Accurate view of reality. 5) Positive relationships. 6) Environmental Mastery.
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