Chp 8 - Empires of China and India


Part of Unit 4
Flashcards by hudsonvilleeagles, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hudsonvilleeagles almost 11 years ago

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Question Answer
First Qin ruler of China; he built institutions that helped China remain unified for almost 2,000 years Shi Huangdi (259-210 BC)
a Chinese political philosophy that holds that the most effective government is that which rules people by a harsh set of laws Legalism
First emperor of the Han dynasty in China; he did away with the Legalist policies of the Qin and appointed Confucian scholars as his advisors. Liu Bang (c. 250-195 BC)
Fifth emperor of the Han dynasty in China, he led the Han dynasty during its peak and substantially increased Chinese territory. Wudi (141-87 BC)
a centralized administrative system that runs the day-to-day business of government civil service
normadic raiders from the grasslands north of China during the reign of Han dynasty; emperor Wudi fought against them in the mid-100s BC Xiongnu
a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors filian piety
Confucian scholar of the Han period; she wrote a classic Confucian text on the role of women, Lessons for Women, in which she argues that women should show humility and obedience toward their husbands and families Ban Zhao (AD 45- c.115)
Chinese official under Emperor Wudi; he was sent on a journey through China to form an alliance with the Xiongu tribe to the west. His travels led to a vast increase in trade and the establishment of the Silk Road. Zhang Qian (died 113 BC)
trade routes stretching from China to Mediterranean, which allowed for the exchange of goods and ideas from China to the Roman Empire. Silk Roads
Chinese historian, sometimes called the "father of Chinese history"; he wrote the "Historial Records" or "Shiji", in which he attempts to provide a complete history of China from the Yellow Emperor to the reign of Wudi. Sima Qian (c.145-90 BC)
Chinese medical practice that involves inserting needles into the skin in order to relieve pain acupuncture
Founder of the Mauryan Empire in India; he conquered much of northern India and ruled over parts of Pakistan Chandragupta Maurya (c.321-c.298 BC)
Indian philosopher and politician and advisor to Chandragupta; he wrote "Arthashastra", a great work on how rulers seize and maintain power. Kautilya (c. 300 BC)
Mauryan emperor from c.273-c.232 BC; one of the greatest rulers of ancient India, he brought nearly all of India under one authority for the first time in history. He also promoted the spread of Buddhism Ashoka (died c. 232 BC)
Emperor of the Gupta; during his reign the Gupta Empire reached its peak. He extended the territory of the empire. His regime was a time of prosperity and cultural flourishing for much of India Chandra Gupta II (300's-400's)
Indian dramatist and poet, often called the "Indian Shakespeare"; his poems and plays were written on historical, mythological, and romantic subjects. Kalidasa (c. AD 600s)
the number system that we use today, created by Indian scholars and brought to Europe by Arabs Hindu-Arabic numerals
Gupta mathematician and astronomer; he argued that the earth revolves around the sun and correctly explained the causes of eclipses Aryabhata (476-c.550)
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