What is death and is there evidence of an afterlife?


for lesson
Jade Roe
Flashcards by Jade Roe, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Roe
Created by Jade Roe over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is death? The end of the life of a person or organism
Four examples of evidence of an afterlife Near Death Experiences Ghosts Mediumship Past life regression
Near Death Experience definition Unusual experience taking place on the brink of death. Out-of-body experience.
Near Death Experience examples bgg
Near Death Experience features Sense/awareness or being dead Tunnel experience Encountering beings of light "Border" - decide whether to return to ones body or not
Ghost definition Thought to be soul/spirit of the deceased
Mediumship definition Communication between the dead and the living via the use of a Medium
Past life regression definition Hypnosis technique to recover memories of past lives
Past life regression examples Bridey Murphy - 19th century Irishwoman - past life of U.S. housewife Virginia Tighe
Arguments for Ghosts Energy cannot be created or destroyed - will transform to ghost Souls don't die with the bodies
Arguments for Ghosts Energy cannot be created or destroyed - will transform to ghost Souls don't die with the bodies
Arguments against Ghosts Usually a 'logical' explanation - dust = orbs People believe in ghosts due to a fear of death - psychological coping mechanism
Arguments for NDEs Repetitive experiences give more validity. Bruce Greyson - created a list of general features based upon common experiences
Arguments against NDEs Experience certain changes depending upon cultural, religious & philosophical background - inconsistent
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