Total Onslaught and Total Strategy


AS level History Flashcards on Total Onslaught and Total Strategy , created by Niamh Clayden on 25/04/2017.
Niamh Clayden
Flashcards by Niamh Clayden, updated more than 1 year ago
Niamh Clayden
Created by Niamh Clayden almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What was 'Total Onslaught' ? Botha and his gov. believed that white S.A was under threat from communists inside and outside of the country
What did he call this threat? Total Onslaught
What was his response to 'Total Onslaught' ? Total Strategy
What was 'Total Strategy'? Declaring a state of emergency in most urban areas
What happened in 1986? State of Emergency was extended to the whole country
How many had been detained by 1986? 16-20,000 and most died in police custody
How many had died between Sep 1984 and Jan 1986? Police had killed more than 600 Black Africans
How many more deaths were there from 1986-89? 3000 more which meant that the security forces were loosing control
What was the effect of the state of emergency? Police had more power & gov. could implement curfews therefore controlling the movements of people
What did this mean for the President? He could rule without consulting the constitution or parliament
What became a criminal offence? To possess documents that the gov. could see as threatening
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