122 - Stains & Properties of Growth Media


First Aid Flashcards on 122 - Stains & Properties of Growth Media, created by Victoria Wright on 10/05/2017.
Victoria Wright
Flashcards by Victoria Wright, updated more than 1 year ago
Victoria Wright
Created by Victoria Wright over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the mnemonic device/sentence to remember the bugs that do not Gram stain well? These Little Microbes May Unfortunately Lack Real Color But Are Everywhere
Which bugs do not Gram stain well because they are too thin to be visualized? Treponema; Leptospira Mnemonic device: These Little Microbes May Unfortunately Lack Real Color But Are Everywhere - Treponema (These); Leptospira (Little)
Why do the following not Gram stain well? Treponema; Leptospira They are too thin to be visualized
Which bugs do not Gram stain well because the cell wall has high lipid content? Mycobacteria Mnemonic device: These Little Microbes May Unfortunately Lack Real Color But Are Everywhere - Mycobacteria (Microbes)
Why does the following not Gram stain well? Mycobacteria The cell wall has high lipid content
Which bugs do not Gram stain well because there is no cell wall? Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma Mnemonic device: These Little Microbes May Unfortunately Lack Real Color But Are Everywhere - Mycoplasma (May), Ureaplasma (Unfortunately)
Why do the following not Gram stain well? Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma No cell wall
Which bugs do not Gram stain well because they are primarily intracellular? Legionella; Rickettsia, Chlamydia, Bartonella, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia
Why do the following not Gram stain well? Legionella; Rickettsia, Chlamydia, Bartonella, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia Primarily intracellular Also: Chlamydia lack classic peptidoglycan because of decreased muramic acid.
What is the mnemonic device / phrase for remembering Giemsa Stain? Certain Bugs Really Try my Patience
What are Giemsa stains used for? Chlamydia, Borrelia, Rickettsia, Trypanosomes, Plasmodium
What are Periodic acid-Schiff stains used for? Stains glycogen, mucopolysaccharides; used to diagnose Whipple disease (Tropheryma whipplei)
Which stain is used for the following? Stains glycogen, mucopolysaccharides; used to diagnose Whipple disease (Tropheryma whipplei) Periodic acid-Schiff stain
Which stain is used for the following? Chlamydia, Borrelia, Rickettsia, Trypanosomes, Plasmodium Giemsa stain
What is the mnemonic phrase used to remember Periodic acid-Schiff stain? PaSs the sugar
What are Ziehl-Neelsen stains (carbol fuchsin) used for? Acid-fast bacteria (eg Mycobacteria, Nocardia; stains mycolic acid in cell wall); protozoa (eg Cryptoporidium oocysts)
Which stain is used for the following? Acid-fast bacteria (eg Mycobacteria, Nocardia; stains mycolic acid in cell wall); protozoa (eg Cryptoporidium oocysts) Ziehl-Neelsen stains (carbol fuchsin) Current standard of care is auramine-rhodamine stain for screening (inexpensive, more sensitive but less specific)
What are India ink stains used for? Cryptococcus neoformans; mucicarmine can also be used to stain thick polysaccharide capsule red
Which stain is used for the following? Cryptococcus neoformans; mucicarmine can also be used to stain thick polysaccharide capsule red India ink stains
What are Silver stains used for? Fungi (eg Coccidioides, Pneumocystis jirovecii, Legionella, Helicobacter pylori
Which stain is used for the following? Fungi (eg Coccidioides, Pneumocystis jirovecii, Legionella, Helicobacter pylori Silver Stains
What are Fluorescent stains used for? Used to identify many bacteria and viruses Example is FTA-ABS for syphilis
Which stain is used for the following? Used to identify many bacteria and viruses Example is FTA-ABS for syphilis Fluorescent antibody stain
What is the first-line lab test in bacterial identification? Gram Stain
With a gram stain, bacteria with thick peptidoglycan layer retain what dye? Crystal Violet Dye (Gram+)
With a gram stain, bacteria with thin peptidoglycan layer turn what color? Red or Pink (Gram-) with counterstain
What is Selective Media? Favors the growth of particular organism while preventing growth of other organism. For example: Thayer-Martin agar contains antibiotics that allow the selective growth of Neisseria by inhibiting the growth of other sensitive organisms.
The following is an example of what? Thayer-Martin agar contains antibiotics that allow the selective growth of Neisseria by inhibiting the growth of other sensitive organisms. Selective Media
What is Indicator (differential) media? Yields a color change in response to the metabolism of certain organisms. Eg: MacConkey agar contains a pH indicator; a lactose fermenter like E coli will convert to acidic metabolites leading to color change
The following is an example of what? MacConkey agar contains a pH indicator; a lactose fermenter like E coli will convert to acidic metabolites leading to color change Indicator (differential) media
What gram stain is used for the following? Chlamydia Giemsa stain
What gram stain is used for the following? Whipple disease (Tropheryma whipplei) Periodic acid-Schiff stain
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