14: Programming and Data Representation


A Level AS Computer Science (Unit 2: Fundamental Problem-solving and Programming Skills) Flashcards on 14: Programming and Data Representation, created by HRYN red on 11/05/2017.
HRYN red
Flashcards by HRYN red, updated more than 1 year ago
HRYN red
Created by HRYN red over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Python Characteristics every statement on seperate line indentation lower case case sensitive object slicing
python how say hello Dave your number is 1 with variables YourName, Number pritn("Hello {0}. Your # is {1}.".format(YourName, Number))
Rules of Precedence Define the order of the calculations to be performed.
How do case in pseudecode CASE: CASE OF ___ ___: ____ __,__: ___ __ TO ____: ____ OTHERWISE ___ ENDCASE
What is an example of a post conditional loop What example of pre-condition loop post: repeat until pre: while ___ DO
convert from python to pseudecode: len(s) S[-:L] ch.lower() ch.upper() s.upper() int(x) Length(s:STRING) RETURNS INTEGER LEFT(s:STRING, L: INTEGER) RETURNS STRING LCASE(ch: CHAR) RETURNS CHAR UCASE TO_UPPER TO_LOWER INT(x:REAL) RETURNS INTEGER
Return Value Value replacing function call used in teh expression
Argument The actual input expression or value with which the subroutine is being called.
Parameter The variable(s) used inside a subroutine which will take values passed into a subroutine at call time.
Subroutine Interface The parameters being passed between the subroutine and the calling program.
Procedure Header / Function Header The first line of a function or procedure def showing the identifier and parameter list.
By Value The actual value is passed into the procedure.
By Reference The address of the variable is passed into the procedure.
Give the pseudecode on how to write by value and by reference PROCEDURE ___ (BY VALUE ___: ___, ___:___) PROCEDURE ___ (BY REF ___: ___, ___:___) CALL ___ (__,__)
Arrays: 2d python how create a board? board = [[0 for i in range (7)] for j in range(6)]
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