Common Features


Year 10 IT (Personal Digital Devices) Flashcards on Common Features, created by Raeesa Shah on 28/05/2017.
Raeesa Shah
Flashcards by Raeesa Shah, updated more than 1 year ago
Raeesa Shah
Created by Raeesa Shah over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does a processor do? Controls all the functions of the device, it is in all digital devices
What is internal memory? It stores programme instructions and data, usually measured in bytes
show the hierarchy of memory starting from 1 byte byte → kilobyte → megabyte → gigabyte → terabyte (1000x bigger each time)
What type of devices are digital devices? Storage devices
Why aren't hard disk drives used in portable devices? Because they contain moving parts and can easily be damaged
Flash memory is a peripheral that is ideal for portable digital devices, why is this? • It doesn't lose data when it's turned off • Has no moving parts so not easily damaged (solid state) • It is removable and can transfer data between devices
A secure digital (SD) card is a type of flash memory, how much can they store? Up to 4GB
Describe two details about a micro SD card • They are smaller than SD cards and therefore used for smaller devices • They are a type of flash memory
Describe a USB flash drive (memory stick) • it plugs into the USB port • it can store up to 256GB
What is an SDXC (extended capacity) card? A type of flash memory that can store up to 2TB
How much can an SDHC (high capacity) card store? Up to 32GB
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