Irregular Verbs (1st Part)


This is a good practice of the Irregular Verbs. it is focused on the first 20 Irregular Verbs.
J Eduardo Pineda
Flashcards by J Eduardo Pineda, updated more than 1 year ago
J Eduardo Pineda
Created by J Eduardo Pineda over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
LET´S Practice Irregular Verbs by J. Eduardo Pineda
SAY Said (Past tense) Said (Past participle)
MAKE Made ( Past Tense) Made (Past PArticiple)
GO Went ( past tense) Gone ( past participle)
TAKE Took ( past tense) Taken ( past participle)
COME Came (past tense) Come (past participle)
SEE Saw ( past tense) Seen ( past participle)
KNOW knew (past tense) Known (past participle)
GET Got ( Past tense) Gotten ( Past participle)
GIVE Gave (past tense) Given (past participle)
FIND Found ( Past tense) Found ( Past participle)
THINK Thought (Past tense) Thought ( Past participle)
TELL Told ( Past tense) Told ( past participle)
BECOME Became (past tense) Become (past participle)
CUT Cut (past tense) Cut (past participle)
LEAVE Left (past tense) Left (past participle)
BREAK Broke (past tense) Broken (past participle)
PUT Put (past tense) Put (past participle)
BRING Brought (past tense) Brought (past participle)
BEGIN Began (past tense) Begun ( past participle)
KEEP Kept (past tense) Kept ( past participle)
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