

Sarwesh Saurabh
Flashcards by Sarwesh Saurabh, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarwesh Saurabh
Created by Sarwesh Saurabh about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1:If you have an EBS volume in Availability Zone us-east-1d and you want to attach it to an EC2 instance in Availability Zone us-east-1a, what procedure should you follow? EBS volumes cannot be used across Availability Zones; however, since snapshots are stored in S3, new volumes can be created from a snapshot and placed into any Availability Zone.
2: You are using a T2 instance type and are starting to notice that most of the time your application is running very slow. What would be an appropriate course of action? T2 instance types rely on "burstable" CPU credits for processing power. If you application is constantly using all the CPU credits, then you may experience slow downs when you run out of credits. The solution to this would be to move the application to an instance running a large instance type.
3: True or False: If you are unable to download software packages to an EC2 instance, that means you have definitely provisioned it in a private subnet. There can be many reasons why you cannot download software packages besides the instance being provisioned in a private subnet. For example, creating an instance without a public IP address or not having the proper ports open on the security group can cause issues downloading software.
4: You keep getting an error when you try to attach an IGW to a VPC. What is the most likely cause of the error? A VPC can only have one IGW attached to it at a time.
5: You have just provisioned a fleet of EC2 instances and realized that none of them have a public IP address. What settings would need to be changed for the next fleet of instances to be created with public IP addresses? The auto assigning of IP addresses resides in the settings of the SUBNET you are provisioning the instances in. By default, new subnets have auto-assign IP addresses disabled.
6: True of False: You cannot peer two VPC that located in different AWS regions. True VPC must be in the same region if you with to peer them.
7: You have an ELB distributing traffic a fleet of EC2 instances inside your VPC, evenly spread across two Availability Zones. However, you realize that only half of our instances are actually receiving traffic. What is the most likely cause of this problem? Cross-zone load balancing must be enabled for it to serve traffic to more than one availability zone. All the other answers would affect more than half the fleet of instances or not affect them at all.
8: You have an application currently running on five EC2 instances as part of an Auto Scaling group. For the past 30 minutes all five instances have been running at 100 CPUUtilization; however, the Auto Scaling group has not added any more instances to the group. What is the most likely cause? The number of instances in an Auto Scaling group cannot exceed its set MAX limit, regardless of scale-up policies.
9: True or False: If traffic is being blocked from entering a subnet, the issue is most likely with the security group. False NACLS are the security layer for a subnet (not security groups)
10: You are running an analysis on traffic that is accessing your web application. However, you notice that the IP address for every visitor is the IP address of the Elastic Load Balancer. How should fix this problem so that the logs reflect the IP address of the originating host? Enable access log on the ELB and store them on S3 bucket
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