

History Elizabeth (Mid Tudor Crisis) Flashcards on Somerset, created by erjnaylor on 26/05/2014.
Flashcards by erjnaylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by erjnaylor over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
French sent army to Scotland in what year defeating rebels at St Andrew (under Somerset) July 1547
Somerset's response to French sending an army to Scotland in July 1547 Organised army of 18,000 and a fleet of 60 ships under Edward Lord Clinton and marched across the border on the 4th of September 1547
When did the new French army arrive and England forced onto the defensive May 1548
When did Mary Queen of Scots leave to marry the French Dauphin (later Francis II) July 1548
What did Mary Queen of Scot's marriage to the French Dauphin mean for English control of Boulogne It became untenable
Peace that surrendered Boulogne and left France in a dominating position in Scotland January 1550
How much did the war cost under Somerset between England and France £300,000 + the debasement of he coinage continued
What Parliament under Somerset repealed the laws against heresy The Parliament of 1547
What else did the Parliament of 1547 repeal regarding religious policy The Act of Six Articles passed during Henry VIII's reactionary years
Which Act condemned all Chantries Act of 1545
What are chantries Priests funded to say masses for the souls of the dead
What did Somerset do to progress his Act of 1545 condemning all Chantries Moved to have this ratified and to seize their endowments in 1547
What acts were passed in 1549 Allowing priests to marry and ordering that the laity should receive both bread and wine at communion
How did Somerset move over ceremonial changes More slowly, but did introduce a new English Prayer Book
Price of food increased steeply when while what barely increased In 1540s and wages barely increased
In real terms how much did wages decline by 1/2
Two main causes of price inflation Increasing population and the great debasement
The value of English currency abroad ...., but ...... remained stagnant The value of English currency abroad FELL but CLOTH EXPORTS remained stagnant
A mass of wage earners and all those on fixed incomes fared how to these conditions THEY SUFFERED SEVERELY
Social unrest heightened by two main things with what being blamed for inflation Hunger / poverty with many blaming enclosure of land for inflation
Somerset tried to persuade Parliament to Take steps against enclosure but to no avail
Serious popular unrest from Spring of 1549 onwards = result of 3 main factors Anger at enclosures / poor harvests / spread of plague
Rebellion broke out in Devon and Cornwall in 1549 (the Western Rebellion)
What did the Cornish-speaking populace resent the English liturgy that the new Prayer Book put in place of the familiar Latin service
Who were they joined by conservative clerics and some local gentlemen.
The rebels laid siege to where / when until dispersed by an army of what troops when The rebels laid siege to Exeter (10 June) until dispersed by an army of Italian and German mercenary troops in August.
When did the Kett rebellion start July 1549
Norfolk rebels were what religion and what was their main grievance based around The Norfolk rebels were Protestants and their main grievances were economic.
Who was their leader and why Robert Kett (Kett Rebellion) a local landowner became the rebels' leader when he cooperated in the tearing down of his own fences as well as others that had enclosed common land
What was his staring point and how many men was he able to rally up From his starting point in Wymondham, he was able to rally 12,000 men
Where did Kett's forces camp and what was their initial progress Kett's forces camped on Mousehold Heath outside Norwich, captured the city and repulsed the initial attacks of government forces
Who forced the rebels out of Norwich and routed the rebels nearby at Dussindale AND WHEN In August, John Dudley, Earl of Warwick forced the rebels out of Norwich and routed the rebels nearby at Dussindale.
How many rebel soldiers were killed or executed Almost 3,000 rebel soldiers were killed and fifty more were executed afterwards
Which Privy Councillors were working for Somerset's overthrow John Dudley, Earl of Warwick and Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton
Who wanted Somerset stripped of power Both factions - the conservative Catholic supporters of Mary, and the Protestant reformers now led by Warwick -
When was he re-arrested and executed and by who on what grounds He was re-arrested in October 1551 on flimsy charges of conspiracy, because Northumberland feared that he was trying to organize a counter-coup. He was executed January 1552.
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