C1.7 revision


GCSE Chemistry (C1) Flashcards on C1.7 revision, created by Josh Steer on 27/05/2014.
Josh Steer
Flashcards by Josh Steer, updated more than 1 year ago
Josh Steer
Created by Josh Steer almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Structure Of The Earth .
What makes tectonic plates move? Convection currents
What is the middle part of the earth The Core
What is it made out of Iron and Nickel
What state is it Inner core is liquid Outer core is solid
What is the outside layer of the earth? The crust
How thick is the crust? 0-60 Kilometers thick
What is between the Crust and the Core? The mantle
What is the mantle made of? Molten rock
What are parts of the earth`s crust called? Tectonic plates
What causes convection currents? Heat from Radioactive decay
The Atmosphere .
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