Tutorial !


Business/Economics Flashcards on Tutorial !, created by L.R. Racu on 24/06/2017.
L.R. Racu
Flashcards by L.R. Racu, updated more than 1 year ago
L.R. Racu
Created by L.R. Racu over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the Red Queen phenomenon? Operations must constantly adapt, evolve, and proliferate not merely gain productive advantage, but also simply to survive.
What are the 2 most important aspects when it comes to change? WHAT needs to change HOW to bring that change
What are the change processes? 1.Become aware of the need for change 2.Diagnose change conditions 3.Change process and sub phases
What is Sigmund curve? The Sigmund curve shows when is the best moment for a change.Before the product reaches full maturity.
Which are the organizational change roles? Leader/agent Initiators Implementers Facilitators Recipients
Which are the perspectives on change? 1.Structural-functional perspective 2.Multiple constituencies perspective 3.Organizational development perspectives 4.Creativity and Volition
What are the characteristics of structural-functional perspective? Changing structures and functions Planned change Related organizational theories:system theory, structural theory
What are the characteristics of multiple constituencies perspective? Change by negotiation Planned change Related organizational theories:stakeholder interests
What are the characteristics organizational development perspective? The humanistic approach to change Planned change Interventions on several levels
What are the characteristics of creativity and volition? A critical theory of change Change cannot be planned Conflict,flux and change, construct a grand narrative
What are the general dimensions that influence a change mode? Scale-many organizations;individual(s) Scope/pace-Continuous;discontinuous Source-Anticipatory-Reactive
What are the four types of organizational change and their implications? Tuning Redirecting or Reorienting Adapting Overhauling or Recreating
What are the elements of planned change? -Intentional,rational change -Formally initiated,designed and implemented process to achieve expected results -Assumption:practitioners have sufficient foresight and control over the change process
What are the elements of emergent change? -Ongoing, unpredictable,informal Organization members respond to problems and opportunities -Adaptations,modifications -These can interact and accumulate and produce larger,more fundamental organizational changes
What are 3 FIRST change strategies? -Thinking First -Seeing First -Doing First
What are the implications for thinking first? -When the issue is clear and the context structured -Magnitude of the change is often incremental in nature -Straight-forward solutions
The implications for seeing first? -When many elements have to be combined into creative solutions -Commitment is key and communication across boundaries is essential.People need to see the whole before becoming committed.
The implications for doing first? -When situation is novel and confusing -Complicated specifications would get in the way and a few simple rules can help people move forward.
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